How to uninstall 1ClickPopup?
Uninstalling 1ClickPopup will automatically cancel your subscription, stop all recurring charges, and remove the app from your Shopify admin.
To uninstall 1ClickPopup, please follow next steps:
Open the Settings page in the Shopify admin.
Find the Apps and sales channels section.
Locate 1ClickPopup in the list of installed apps.
Click on "..." (three dots) on the right and then select Uninstall.
To uninstall 1ClickPopup, please follow next steps:
Open the Settings page in the Shopify admin.
Find the Apps and sales channels section.
Locate 1ClickPopup in the list of installed apps.
Click on "..." (three dots) on the right and then select Uninstall.
Updated on: 08/03/2024
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